Добиј бесплатни кредити!
Оваа функција е дел од PRO пакет!
Twice a season you can organize a training camp at the sports academy. The players that you send into this camp will improve faster. The higher the level of the sports academy, the more players you can send to this camp and the faster they will improve. You can send players to the camp for a maximum of 5 days. Warning! Players in the training camp will not be able to play games (except for credit tournament games). If a random lineup is generated for the next game (for example if there are not enough healthy players), some players may return from the camp for one day to play the game. In this case they will not gain any training bonus.
Ниво на спортската академија: 13
Тренинг: 0%
Тренинг: 0%
Максимален број на играчи во кампот: 9
Тренинг бонус: +88%
Тренинг бонус: +88%