Coolcats† - season as a summary
we are kinda disappointed with the outcome of this season.
though we strongly we are in the right direction, firstly we came short to bring in the players we felt that could instantly make our team compete at a high level
2ndly, the training or player development for skills has not been on pace to what we are anticipated to be. we still have promising players
3rd we are excited that we got to pick first in the upcoming lottery and our scouts has been working hard to get players that we needed.
we expect on next season probably wont change much but we plan to improve further on things like defense, hustle and covering better angles.
we are hoping that training camp would be amazing but lets see
though we strongly we are in the right direction, firstly we came short to bring in the players we felt that could instantly make our team compete at a high level
2ndly, the training or player development for skills has not been on pace to what we are anticipated to be. we still have promising players
3rd we are excited that we got to pick first in the upcoming lottery and our scouts has been working hard to get players that we needed.
we expect on next season probably wont change much but we plan to improve further on things like defense, hustle and covering better angles.
we are hoping that training camp would be amazing but lets see
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