Tomahawk Jams† - Tomahawk Jams Win First Round of National Cup
The Tomahawk Jams have defeated their opponents for the first round of the National Cup 104-60. The scoring was fairly evenly distributed, with backup small forward Reuben Tackett leading the way with 20 points. Shooting guard Hugh Ventura and point guard Jonathon Daniel provided 18 and 13 points, respectively.
The 16-year-old Tackett was thrilled to lead the way. "Every game, I just try to do what I'm asked. Whatever the team needs, I'm on it," he said.
Team president and GM Reverist agreed. "Whether it's defense, switching on to a guy, making that extra pass, or taking midrange shots, Reuben can do it all," he noted. "He's really coming into his own."
Tomahawk Jams will face an undoubtedly tough road in the next round(s) of the National Cup.
The 16-year-old Tackett was thrilled to lead the way. "Every game, I just try to do what I'm asked. Whatever the team needs, I'm on it," he said.
Team president and GM Reverist agreed. "Whether it's defense, switching on to a guy, making that extra pass, or taking midrange shots, Reuben can do it all," he noted. "He's really coming into his own."
Tomahawk Jams will face an undoubtedly tough road in the next round(s) of the National Cup.
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