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Team noname 42047
Relegation group game
11.03.2025 20:30:00


This is where you can find an overview of the most successful teams and players, as well as the most significant events.

Best overall team rating

RnkTeamManagerLeagueOverall team rating
1Russia Dark Armadillos PRO pack owner Russia SintagmaRussia I.1924.35
2France Amana Plérin sur mer PRO pack owner France LassassinFrance I.1891.51
3Spain sdr cancillersdr cancillerSpain I.1877.41
4Poland DragonsDGdylu5Poland I.1872.91
5Denmark Ifö Phytons Captain of the national support team Denmark Ambya I.1872.28
6Portugal Sampaio Basket PRO pack owner Portugal michelvaillant7Portugal I.1867.86
7Slovakia Zoon Van Snook PRO pack owner Slovakia senyaanSlovakia I.1867.43
8Austria Basel Sloveniaklemen7 I.1863.70
9Germany TSV Nittenau PRO pack owner Germany Harald1111111222Germany I.1861.62
10Italy Snipiers Helper ilpierpaItaly I.1861.31
2 314Slovakia BK Svidničkakancian83Slovakia III.4184.23
2 315Slovakia BC Okrimmackousko96Slovakia IV.1183.58
2 316Slovenia BC AllStarsdellcomSlovenia II.2181.22
2 317Slovakia Public accountPublic accountSlovakia IV.9179.80
2 318Brazil Iguaçu CSCSanVaser77Brazil III.1179.11
2 319Brazil animaisdfsgdsgdsgsBrazil III.1177.58
2 320Finland Kobe's fiveNikkerssonFinland II.2177.52

Highest current team strength

RnkTeamManagerLeagueTeam strength
1Poland DragonsDGdylu5Poland I.1179
2Denmark Ekvilibristerne Translator Taekwandy I.1174
3Germany TSV Nittenau PRO pack owner Germany Harald1111111222Germany I.1172
4Russia Dark Armadillos PRO pack owner Russia SintagmaRussia I.1172
5Lithuania sartaikaunietissLithuania I.1171
6Ukraine BandershtadtTiesto 777Ukraine I.1170
7Denmark Ifö Phytons Captain of the national support team Denmark Ambya I.1169
8Slovakia Zoon Van Snook PRO pack owner Slovakia senyaanSlovakia I.1167
9Netherlands Hoogeveen Giants PRO pack owner Netherlands HHvanNetherlands I.1166
10Italy Snipiers Helper ilpierpaItaly I.1165
2 278Brazil CAJE Basquetebol ClubeCarlos Alberto JesusBrazil II.218
2 279Slovakia Odpad z KošaburkySlovakia IV.218
2 280Greece The PhoenixpapatermasGreece II.118
2 281Slovakia Public accountPublic accountSlovakia IV.917
2 282Poland ChorzowiankaBonito73Poland III.717
2 283Czech Republic Radkov ArénaJenda PelantCzech Republic IV.317
2 284Slovakia HC BORCIkici354Slovakia IV.717

Largest amount of money

1Hungary Lehel KKvektor555Hungary II.3
2Czech Republic Temlisovi drtici Person close to PPM team TemlisCzech Republic IV.10
3Iran Chicago Bulls sahramat1980Iran I.1
4Turkey DalgasporAcik2906Turkey II.2
5Iran PS DarabKola Translator winner13Iran I.1
6Hungary Reckless BChexa7Hungary I.1
7Germany USV Halle Rhinos PRO pack owner Germany ficus77Germany I.1
8Lithuania radishes Translator padejasLithuania I.1
9Turkey Freedom RoverspedromachucaTurkey II.3
10USA Spartak KaplitznoybUSA II.2
1 908Slovakia Slávia 94 Prešovdomco16Slovakia II.1
1 909USA San Francisco CityEGomezUSA II.2
1 910Czech Republic JRR Trpaslíci z EreborupatuchaCzech Republic III.8
1 911Slovakia Public accountPublic accountSlovakia IV.9
1 912China FJGMZzxydjl368China I.1
1 913Latvia Bc ValmieraViksneLatvia III.2
1 914Slovakia BC Orcs PRO pack owner Slovakia BlackRosesSlovakia IV.2

Most wins in a league

1Lithuania INDIGO Stars PRO pack owner Lithuania IndigasLithuania II.244
2USA Scottsdale AthleticBradGilbertUSA II.244
3France Hermine NamnètesNamnèteFrance III.244
4Hungary D. Mavericks PRO pack owner Hungary kicsiedeHungary II.344
5Sweden Albino Wizards PRO pack owner Sweden BinmanSweden II.344
6France BlacK AceS PRO pack owner France jagr72France II.244
8Switzerland JUVEIII PRO pack owner Switzerland Fabio519Switzerland II.144
9Argentina racing de parque chasrolupiArgentina II.244
10Ukraine BC AmosmoorefereeUkraine II.244
1 507Czech Republic Bohemie PRO pack owner Czech Republic rejh oldaCzech Republic I.122
1 508Spain Triana Baskettinosky64Spain II.122
1 509USA Zilina United PRO pack owner USA llucas77USA I.122
1 510Slovakia Public accountPublic accountSlovakia IV.921
1 511Portugal Sport Seixal Benfica PowerPlay magazine editor jmmvPortugal II.121
1 512Slovakia Magic Stars PRO pack owner Slovakia snehuliak69Slovakia I.121
1 513Czech Republic Kobra Všenorypavel8Czech Republic IV.1621

Fewest losses in a league

1Lithuania INDIGO Stars PRO pack owner Lithuania IndigasLithuania II.20
2USA Scottsdale AthleticBradGilbertUSA II.20
3France Hermine NamnètesNamnèteFrance III.20
4Hungary D. Mavericks PRO pack owner Hungary kicsiedeHungary II.30
5Sweden Albino Wizards PRO pack owner Sweden BinmanSweden II.30
6France BlacK AceS PRO pack owner France jagr72France II.20
8Switzerland JUVEIII PRO pack owner Switzerland Fabio519Switzerland II.10
9Argentina racing de parque chasrolupiArgentina II.20
10Ukraine BC AmosmoorefereeUkraine II.20
1 507Czech Republic Bohemie PRO pack owner Czech Republic rejh oldaCzech Republic I.122
1 508Spain Triana Baskettinosky64Spain II.122
1 509USA Zilina United PRO pack owner USA llucas77USA I.122
1 510Slovakia Public accountPublic accountSlovakia IV.923
1 511Portugal Sport Seixal Benfica PowerPlay magazine editor jmmvPortugal II.123
1 512Slovakia Magic Stars PRO pack owner Slovakia snehuliak69Slovakia I.123
1 513Czech Republic Kobra Všenorypavel8Czech Republic IV.1623

Most points in a league

1Lithuania INDIGO Stars PRO pack owner Lithuania IndigasLithuania II.288
2USA Scottsdale AthleticBradGilbertUSA II.288
3France Hermine NamnètesNamnèteFrance III.288
4Hungary D. Mavericks PRO pack owner Hungary kicsiedeHungary II.388
5Sweden Albino Wizards PRO pack owner Sweden BinmanSweden II.388
6France BlacK AceS PRO pack owner France jagr72France II.288
8Switzerland JUVEIII PRO pack owner Switzerland Fabio519Switzerland II.188
9Argentina racing de parque chasrolupiArgentina II.288
10Ukraine BC AmosmoorefereeUkraine II.288
1 507Czech Republic Bohemie PRO pack owner Czech Republic rejh oldaCzech Republic I.166
1 508Spain Triana Baskettinosky64Spain II.166
1 509USA Zilina United PRO pack owner USA llucas77USA I.166
1 510Slovakia Public accountPublic accountSlovakia IV.965
1 511Portugal Sport Seixal Benfica PowerPlay magazine editor jmmvPortugal II.165
1 512Slovakia Magic Stars PRO pack owner Slovakia snehuliak69Slovakia I.165
1 513Czech Republic Kobra Všenorypavel8Czech Republic IV.1665

Most points for

1Switzerland Pakker Lizards PRO pack owner Switzerland tayrusSwitzerland II.17274
2Hungary Hazafi KCkisgabiHungary III.27167
3Sweden Albino Wizards PRO pack owner Sweden BinmanSweden II.37146
4Latvia BK BeitanyBeitanyLatvia III.97097
5Latvia BK REĀLIE VĪRI Captain of the national support team Latvia REALAlSLatvia III.47087
6Poland Hurma OroninzukPoland III.97029
7Switzerland JUVEIII PRO pack owner Switzerland Fabio519Switzerland II.17027
8Hungary Wasp2Lawrance72Hungary III.66999
9Sweden Tengene Ulvåkerbjorn64Sweden II.36982
10Latvia TivoliTivoli88Latvia III.96952
2 143USA Forward Wisconsin PRO pack owner USA jerthebearUSA I.12996
2 144Ukraine ENERGIJA KUZNETSOVSK Helper OLEXANDERUkraine I.12995
2 145Latvia DragūnifidelisLatvia II.22995
2 146Slovakia Public accountPublic accountSlovakia IV.92994
2 147Slovakia BK Bardejov KingspittsburghcanSlovakia III.42994
2 148Czech Republic FC Kobra Prahalafit1Czech Republic III.62989
2 149Romania BCM Curtea de Arges Member of national support team Romania JuniorulRomania II.32987

Fewest points against

1Sweden Albino Wizards PRO pack owner Sweden BinmanSweden II.3803
2Hungary Hazafi KCkisgabiHungary III.2859
3Switzerland Aarau PRO pack owner Switzerland AarauSwitzerland II.2882
4Latvia BK BeitanyBeitanyLatvia III.9898
5Switzerland JUVEIII PRO pack owner Switzerland Fabio519Switzerland II.11008
6Latvia TivoliTivoli88Latvia III.91024
7Lithuania INDIGO Stars PRO pack owner Lithuania IndigasLithuania II.21084
8Switzerland Zug Basket PRO pack owner Switzerland Asco1Switzerland II.21098
9Switzerland Pakker Lizards PRO pack owner Switzerland tayrusSwitzerland II.11126
10Hungary 50ft Wolfies Translator zoltank8Hungary III.31161
2 131Venezuela Dragones de Caurimare Captain of the national support team Venezuela JohnDragon I.14713
2 132Czech Republic FC Kobra Prahalafit1Czech Republic III.64719
2 133Hungary Locsolókancák PowerPlay magazine editor gebusHungary II.14729
2 134Slovakia Public accountPublic accountSlovakia IV.94736
2 135Czech Republic BC TigerskalasjanCzech Republic IV.44741
2 136Bulgaria LUDOGORECgeorgi7433Bulgaria II.14742
2 137Chile Valparaíso Wanderers PRO pack owner Chile cerroalegre I.14746

Most viewed teams

1China lian zi qing ru xu PRO pack owner China hsh123456China I.142400
2Czech Republic LENUŠKA team PRO pack owner Czech Republic lenuskaCzech Republic I.134817
3Czech Republic Temlisovi drtici Person close to PPM team TemlisCzech Republic IV.1030460
4Slovakia TrencinlukassidoSlovakia I.129767
5Hungary Boins Riders PRO pack owner Hungary MamillareHungary I.128693
6Slovakia Slávia Medik Martin PRO pack owner Slovakia icerisoSlovakia I.120890
7Hungary Anzsima Gamemaster AnkhesenamunHungary II.119421
8Czech Republic Kotěhulky Spurs PRO pack owner Czech Republic stoctonnCzech Republic I.116663
9Brazil Brasília Timberwolves Translator AzkBrazil I.116586
10Serbia Made in Serbiadr Sava SavanovićSerbia I.116165
1 134Czech Republic BK DreefteamDreefiCZCzech Republic III.91223
1 135Spain Romelo Team PRO pack owner Spain jovengeminisSpain III.41223
1 136Czech Republic JRR Trpaslíci z EreborupatuchaCzech Republic III.81221
1 137Slovakia Public accountPublic accountSlovakia IV.91219
1 138Turkey Ağrı DağıManzikertTurkey II.31209
1 139Finland Parola Ballers PRO pack owner Finland fredsebel Finland II.21209
1 140Czech Republic BC JarocafeeCzech Republic III.31208