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  Sporočila za javnost: I.1 (Velika Britanija)

32 022 280
Država: Liga:

Velika Britanija Sentinels† - The Curtains draw on Season 9

Catching up with Liam Barmby, the head coach here I asked him,

'So, how's things Liam? How do you feel the season went?

Liam was an ex player back in the old UK A league, he was somewhere between makeweight and an impacting smallforward. His career drizzled out sometime after the time that he had come under attack one afternoon from a swerving, unbalanced Rottweiller dog. It had escaped it's lead in the team's carpark. Barmby was never the same player after.

'Season's been ok' , he said rather listfully.

'I mean, we had some situations there with the guards. Neimar went well -over his height really. We had to make some fairly drastic changes with him.

Young Peng, backed up really well though. Sandy switched with Gama and that affected us a bit. I don't feel that they will be both fully switched for a while yet. But, we got round it.'

- 'Team played well in the playoff's.'
- 'Yes, were pleased overall.'

'And I see you have a new player.. Soudil. He wasn't cheap ... what's the story there Liam..?

'As you know, we have a concern with Tom's height. The acquisition is two fold. We need a true centre around seven foot. So, that's one and it releases Tom to move across to powerforward. And again, we have another major positional change. We knew the time was now or never with Fairholme. At the end of the day, we will have the key positions in place abeit, finally. So, yes 95million does seem steep. But that's what you have to pay for these guys. There's no getting round it.'

'And next season..'

'Next season is about getting the players right and we'll go from there.'

'Thanks Liam, all the very best and best wishes to all in the UK leagues. Were looking forward to Season Ten !'

Edinstveni pogledi: 11
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