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  Sporočila za javnost: I.1 (Velika Britanija)

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Država: Liga:

Velika Britanija Wrexham Thunders - Wrexham news

Hello everyone, main season is close to the end and everybody knows who will play in Play offs but we have found interesting player in Wrexham Thunders team.

Ryan Hughes, 15 years old from the last draft. In the first moment nothing special but... from the voices we have heard he could be a far family member of the Wrexham Rockets chairman.

When we have tried to contact with him to talk about it his parents says: 'we don't want to talk about family and he is too young to think about it and has to concentrate on the training and school'

So we decided to call a Wrexham Thunders chairman PeeF. We recieved simple answer: 'It is not my business what is going on in their family. We know they have got some crazy fans in Acton but rest of Wrexham knows which team will give them a better start to be a basketball player, we invest on players not a car parks', said with smile on his face.

Season is going without any extra emotions but we see sparks in Wrexham between local teams and their comunities are every day and even Hollywood stars Rob and Ryan with their Wrexham football team are on second plan in this city.

Have a good day everyone.

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