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  Basın açıklamaları: III.1 (ABD)

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ABD Cincinnati Falcons 35481 † - Cincinnati Falcons Awaiting Results

The Cincinnati basketball team has started to fill the United Airlines Arena's court. When we interviewed the captain of the squad, the Iranian national team member Asad Mostafavi, we asked a couple of questions.

Us: "How does it feel to sweep the Michigan Knights in the playoff semifinal?"

Mostafavi: "It feels bittersweet because we were able to do it at home. This is the season we are able to win the CHAMPIONSHIP!!!"

*Crowd goes bananas hearing this*

Us: "Will you able to come back for one more season, Mr. Mostafavi?"

Mostafavi: "That is still under consideration, but as if right now, I'm still making my decision."

Us: "One more question for you, Mr. Mostafavi. Do you think that these Cincinnati fans are absolutely the best fans in the world?"

Mostafavi: "No doubt. I'm blessed to play for these people."

The Falcons are going to watch the Utah Jazz and the Golden Hawks game. Tickets are free, and snacks are at a 50% discount.

eşsiz görüşler: 5
Basın açıklaması değerlendirme: Zayıf - Normal - Mükemmel
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