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  Pranešimai spaudai: III.4 (JAV)

35 342 940
Šalis: Lyga:

JAV Ocala Worldtoppers† - Good
Hopefully they can come through with a good, accurate win

JAV Notre Dame Fighting Irish 34333 † - Pre Game Report
The Cleveland Cavaliers are getting ready for their game tonight. No injuries have been reported for the Cavaliers, and this will be a tough game tonight. The game will be at 5:30 PM. I will keep you updated after the game.

JAV The Dirty Cheetahs† - Prep game report
After a close 2 point loss last night the sault steelers are hopeing to turn things around against the Confadent Hooverville Hawks Coach Webb was quoted "we need to come out hard and fast the hawks are a hot team coming in and we need to quiet them early"

I'm sorry I didn't post nothing the last couple days but its alright. WE had lost the last couple days but today we pulled out a victory winning 95-90. We got respect for the other team and we respect what they do. We will continue to work hard ever day. THANKS SEE YOU GUYS LATER!!!

Im sorry i didnt post after the game last night. But great win for the other team. We lost 80-90,our first lost since I got here. We missed shots, didnt play good defence, and we are going to fix that. We will continue to work hard. We are going to be aggresive. Thank you guys I will be back later.

A little hour and some mins. before our game I would just like to say GOOD LUCK to out guys. We will fight hard to win this game. We will continue to work hard. Talk to you guys after the game.

I'm sorry I didn't release a conference before the game but what a good game. We won 97-94 great game. We have great respect for the other team. We will continue to work harder and try to win ALL GAMES. We have a game coming up tomorrow and will try our best to win. THANK YOU and I will talk to u guys tomorrow.

Good game to our guys. We won 94-68. We totally respect the other team, and I want to say good game to them. As I said earlier we will continue to work harder. We will try to win every ball game

A little more than a hour from my first game I would just like the people to know that weather we win or lose we will continue to work hard every day. We will play hard and I have no updates on the injuries but we will see after the game. GOOD LUCK TO ALL!!!

JAV Brentwood Bruins† - NEW face New Goals
The Gunner come into the league with a hope to become the best in the world.

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