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  Pranešimai spaudai: I.1 (Likęs pasaulis)

33 164 610
Šalis: Lyga:

Danija Ekvilibristerne - A very close league is coming to an end.

Playoffs are just around the corner and Ekvilibristerne are very happy to be a part of that. A surprisingly 2nd place was secured among many strong teams in the league. Only a few points seperated the top teams from eachother - which leads to Air Jumpers prophecy some seasons ago:

"In three seasons time, I expect our I.1 league to be a much more challenging place!"

Their prophecy nearly came true, when one has in mind that this is the 5th season since the prediction. Ekvilibristerne likes a good challenge, which - in a way - characterize this league, qua all the great teams.
An exciting and unpredictable playoff are about to start - let the games begin! :-)

Peržiūrėta: 23
Pranešimo spaudai reitingas: Vargšas - Normalus - Puiku
Komanda Norvegija Tanem BB† atsiliepusi į šį spaudos pranešimą: New start
Ši funkcija - PRO paketo dalis!      

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