Flat Earth Trudgers - Congratulations to The Ontario Snow Trotters
congrats to georgejeane and the trotters that was the most exciting basketball the trotters ever play 4 games in a row down to the last minute
but I have to lay into the fans a little bit. Game 4 against the top seed in the division and 8000 people show up. There hardly ever is a game 4 in the first round And the first 3 were gems. You guys have to get over the Verona sale and look what Greg did for us in this series. I thought we played great basketball, just wish a few more basketball fans would have enjoyed it.
but I have to lay into the fans a little bit. Game 4 against the top seed in the division and 8000 people show up. There hardly ever is a game 4 in the first round And the first 3 were gems. You guys have to get over the Verona sale and look what Greg did for us in this series. I thought we played great basketball, just wish a few more basketball fans would have enjoyed it.
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