
Public account
  PRO ზონა
1330 კრედიტი
იყიდე კრედიტები
შენ ხარ სახალხო ანგარიშში. თუ შენ გინდა ითამაშო თამაში ან ჩაერთო დისკურსიაში,შენ უნდა შეხვიდე შენ ანგარიშში. თუ შენ ახალი მომხმარებელი ხარ შენ უნდა დარეგისტრირდე.

  Team history: Dreamspor†

სეზონი თარიღი ღონისძიება
26 (5/70) 2019-04-19 Team was assigned to a manager - mr legomax
26 (27/70) 2019-05-11 Team folded - mr legomax
26 (39/70) 2019-05-23 Team was assigned to a manager - mematin
26 (61/70) 2019-06-14 Team folded - mematin
27 (15/70) 2019-07-08 Team was assigned to a manager - toprak43
27 (37/70) 2019-07-30 Team folded - toprak43
27 (46/70) 2019-08-08 Team was assigned to a manager - utku öcal
27 (68/70) 2019-08-30 Team folded - utku öcal
27 (70/70) 2019-09-01 Team was assigned to a manager - ghajini
28 (34/70) 2019-10-05 Team folded - ghajini
29 (27/70) 2019-12-07 Team was assigned to a manager - Utku Tetık
29 (49/70) 2019-12-29 Team folded - Utku Tetık
30 (2/70) 2020-01-21 Team was assigned to a manager - berkesahin1
30 (34/70) 2020-02-22 Team folded - berkesahin1
31 (4/70) 2020-04-02 Team was assigned to a manager - onur sami
31 (26/70) 2020-04-24 Team folded - onur sami
31 (29/70) 2020-04-27 Team was assigned to a manager - Creys
31 (51/70) 2020-05-19 Team folded - Creys
31 (60/70) 2020-05-28 Team was assigned to a manager - Ömer Demir 25
32 (12/70) 2020-06-19 Team folded - Ömer Demir 25
33 (65/70) 2020-10-20 Team was assigned to a manager - CanKelkit55
34 (17/70) 2020-11-11 Team folded - CanKelkit55
34 (39/70) 2020-12-03 Team was assigned to a manager - katman1
34 (61/70) 2020-12-25 Team folded - katman1
35 (14/70) 2021-01-17 Team was assigned to a manager - bsuzunoglu
35 (36/70) 2021-02-08 Team folded - bsuzunoglu
35 (49/70) 2021-02-21 Team was assigned to a manager - kkavakli
36 (12/70) 2021-03-26 Team folded - kkavakli
36 (23/70) 2021-04-06 Team was assigned to a manager - Bjk03
38 (4/70) 2021-08-05 Team folded - Bjk03

სეზონი გუნდის სახელი შედეგები
38 Dreamspor† Eliminated in round 2 of the National Cup.
Rank 10 in the playoff of league თურქეთი II.1.
Rank 5 in conference B of league თურქეთი II.1.
37 Dreamspor Eliminated in round 1 of the National Cup.
Rank 7 in the playoff of league თურქეთი II.1.
Rank 4 in conference B of league თურქეთი II.1.
36 Dreamspor Eliminated in round 1 of the National Cup.
Rank 9 in the playoff of league თურქეთი II.1.
Rank 6 in conference A of league თურქეთი II.1.
35 Brianna Biden† Eliminated in round 1 of the National Cup.
Rank 13 in the playoff of league თურქეთი II.1.
Rank 7 in conference A of league თურქეთი II.1.
34 katman Eliminated in round 1 of the National Cup.
Rank 15 in the playoff of league თურქეთი II.1.
Rank 8 in conference A of league თურქეთი II.1.
33 SALATASARAY† Moved to league თურქეთი II.1 by the basketball association.
Rank 3 in the playoff of league თურქეთი III.1.
Rank 2 in conference A of league თურქეთი III.1.
32 SALATASARAY† Eliminated in round 2 of the National Cup.
Moved to league თურქეთი III.1 by the basketball association.
Rank 10 in the playoff of league თურქეთი II.3.
Rank 6 in conference A of league თურქეთი II.3.
31 Tokatspor Eliminated in round 1 of the National Cup.
Rank 13 in the playoff of league თურქეთი II.3.
Rank 5 in conference B of league თურქეთი II.3.
30 Babo Basketball Team† Cup Winners' Cup participation.
Eliminated in round 1 of the National Cup.
Rank 14 in the playoff of league თურქეთი II.3.
Rank 6 in conference B of league თურქეთი II.3.
29 Fenerbahce SK Rank 4 in the National Cup.
Rank 8 in the playoff of league თურქეთი II.3.
Rank 4 in conference B of league თურქეთი II.3.
28 Fly Out† Eliminated in round 1 of the National Cup.
Rank 3 in the playoff of league თურქეთი II.3.
Rank 2 in conference A of league თურქეთი II.3.
27 Topraking BC† Eliminated in round 1 of the National Cup.
Rank 9 in the playoff of league თურქეთი II.3.
Rank 5 in conference B of league თურქეთი II.3.
26 KARAĞBAĞLAR FK Eliminated in round 2 of the National Cup.
Rank 7 in the playoff of league თურქეთი II.3.
Rank 4 in conference B of league თურქეთი II.3.