მიიღეთ უფასო კრედიტები!
მომავლის ნაწილი PRO შეკვრაში!
შემდეგი თამაში
NBA Stars 41555 †
ლიგის თამაში
17.02.2025 20:30:00
17.02.2025 20:30:00
Do you think your team is strong enough to win some credits for you? If you do, just sign up for a credit tournament, pay an entry fee and start playing. Some tournaments have a special contribution from the founder which raises the potential winnings in the tournament. If you want to run a tournament yourself, you can create one and play with the users of your choice. Good luck winning credits!
Credit tournaments in which you are taking part
Tournament name | ჯგუფი | თამაშის დღე | Start | End | Game days |
You are currently not registered in any credit tournament |
Pending registrations
Tournament name | Start | End | Game days | აქცია |
You are not waiting for approval in any tournament |
Your previous tournaments
Tournament name | ჯგუფი | End | Game days | ადგილები | |
You have not participated in any credit tournament |