
Public account
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1330 კრედიტი
იყიდე კრედიტები
შენ ხარ სახალხო ანგარიშში. თუ შენ გინდა ითამაშო თამაში ან ჩაერთო დისკურსიაში,შენ უნდა შეხვიდე შენ ანგარიშში. თუ შენ ახალი მომხმარებელი ხარ შენ უნდა დარეგისტრირდე.

  Team history: Dundalk BC†

სეზონი თარიღი ღონისძიება
18 (30/70) 2017-10-31 Team was assigned to a manager - hldk
18 (52/70) 2017-11-22 Team folded - hldk
18 (55/70) 2017-11-25 Team was assigned to a manager - Hozyo
19 (7/70) 2017-12-17 Team folded - Hozyo
19 (8/70) 2017-12-18 Team was assigned to a manager - Kayden
19 (30/70) 2018-01-09 Team folded - Kayden
19 (30/70) 2018-01-09 Team was assigned to a manager - shalev900
19 (53/70) 2018-02-01 Team folded - shalev900
19 (55/70) 2018-02-03 Team was assigned to a manager - wilson moya cosi
20 (8/70) 2018-02-26 Team folded - wilson moya cosi
20 (11/70) 2018-03-01 Team was assigned to a manager - str000234
20 (33/70) 2018-03-23 Team folded - str000234
20 (35/70) 2018-03-25 Team was assigned to a manager - Aussiecnt
20 (57/70) 2018-04-16 Team folded - Aussiecnt
20 (63/70) 2018-04-22 Team was assigned to a manager - Exequiel Juzzle De Leon
21 (15/70) 2018-05-14 Team folded - Exequiel Juzzle De Leon
21 (20/70) 2018-05-19 Team was assigned to a manager - thedeathmeister
22 (25/70) 2018-08-02 Team folded - thedeathmeister
22 (49/70) 2018-08-26 Team was assigned to a manager - Kibol Ap
23 (1/70) 2018-09-17 Team folded - Kibol Ap
23 (13/70) 2018-09-29 Team was assigned to a manager - Matt Medley
24 (27/70) 2018-12-22 Team folded - Matt Medley
24 (27/70) 2018-12-22 Team was assigned to a manager - ZīK3
24 (61/70) 2019-01-25 Team folded - ZīK3
26 (57/70) 2019-06-10 Team was assigned to a manager - rowanedwards
27 (9/70) 2019-07-02 Team folded - rowanedwards
27 (19/70) 2019-07-12 Team was assigned to a manager - BOANREI
27 (42/70) 2019-08-04 Team folded - BOANREI
27 (51/70) 2019-08-13 Team was assigned to a manager - afek ifergan
28 (17/70) 2019-09-18 Team folded - afek ifergan
28 (18/70) 2019-09-19 Team was assigned to a manager - jeffrey3436
28 (40/70) 2019-10-11 Team folded - jeffrey3436
28 (43/70) 2019-10-14 Team was assigned to a manager - fpierce
28 (66/70) 2019-11-06 Team folded - fpierce
28 (67/70) 2019-11-07 Team was assigned to a manager - HaT7
29 (37/70) 2019-12-17 Team folded - HaT7
29 (37/70) 2019-12-17 Team was assigned to a manager - kudzaishe
29 (59/70) 2020-01-08 Team folded - kudzaishe
30 (41/70) 2020-02-29 Team was assigned to a manager - gramas77
30 (63/70) 2020-03-22 Team folded - gramas77

სეზონი გუნდის სახელი შედეგები
55 Dundalk BC† Eliminated in round 1 of the National Cup.
Rank 15 in the playoff of league ნორვეგია I.1.
Rank 8 in conference B of league ნორვეგია I.1.
54 Dundalk BC† Eliminated in round 1 of the National Cup.
Rank 7 in the playoff of league ნორვეგია I.1.
Rank 2 in conference B of league ნორვეგია I.1.
53 Dundalk BC† Rank 3 in the National Cup.
Rank 3 in the playoff of league ნორვეგია I.1.
Rank 2 in conference A of league ნორვეგია I.1.
52 Dundalk BC† Eliminated in round 2 of the National Cup.
Rank 5 in the playoff of league ნორვეგია I.1.
Rank 3 in conference A of league ნორვეგია I.1.
51 Dundalk BC† Eliminated in the quarterfinal of the National Cup.
Rank 5 in the playoff of league ნორვეგია I.1.
Rank 3 in conference B of league ნორვეგია I.1.
50 Dundalk BC† Rank 2 in the National Cup.
Rank 4 in the playoff of league ნორვეგია I.1.
Rank 1 in conference B of league ნორვეგია I.1.
49 Dundalk BC† Rank 2 in the National Cup.
Rank 2 in the playoff of league ნორვეგია I.1.
Rank 2 in conference B of league ნორვეგია I.1.
48 Dundalk BC† Eliminated in the round of last 16 of the National Cup.
Rank 5 in the playoff of league ნორვეგია I.1.
Rank 2 in conference B of league ნორვეგია I.1.
47 Dundalk BC† Eliminated in round 1 of the National Cup.
Rank 5 in the playoff of league ნორვეგია I.1.
Rank 3 in conference A of league ნორვეგია I.1.
46 Dundalk BC† Rank 3 in the National Cup.
Rank 9 in the playoff of league ნორვეგია I.1.
Rank 5 in conference B of league ნორვეგია I.1.
45 Dundalk BC† Eliminated in round 2 of the National Cup.
Rank 3 in the playoff of league ნორვეგია I.1.
Rank 2 in conference B of league ნორვეგია I.1.
44 Dundalk BC† Rank 4 in the National Cup.
Rank 10 in the playoff of league ნორვეგია I.1.
Rank 6 in conference B of league ნორვეგია I.1.
43 Dundalk BC† Eliminated in the quarterfinal of the National Cup.
Rank 6 in the playoff of league ნორვეგია I.1.
Rank 3 in conference B of league ნორვეგია I.1.
42 Dundalk BC† Rank 4 in the National Cup.
Rank 11 in the playoff of league ნორვეგია I.1.
Rank 6 in conference B of league ნორვეგია I.1.
41 Dundalk BC† Eliminated in round 1 of the National Cup.
Rank 6 in the playoff of league ნორვეგია I.1.
Rank 4 in conference A of league ნორვეგია I.1.
40 Dundalk BC† Eliminated in the round of last 16 of the National Cup.
Rank 6 in the playoff of league ნორვეგია I.1.
Rank 3 in conference A of league ნორვეგია I.1.
39 Dundalk BC† Eliminated in the round of last 16 of the National Cup.
Rank 11 in the playoff of league ნორვეგია I.1.
Rank 6 in conference B of league ნორვეგია I.1.
38 Dundalk BC† Rank 2 in the National Cup.
Rank 10 in the playoff of league ნორვეგია I.1.
Rank 5 in conference B of league ნორვეგია I.1.
37 Dundalk BC† Eliminated in the round of last 16 of the National Cup.
Rank 8 in the playoff of league ნორვეგია I.1.
Rank 3 in conference B of league ნორვეგია I.1.
36 Dundalk BC† Rank 4 in the National Cup.
Rank 8 in the playoff of league ნორვეგია I.1.
Rank 4 in conference A of league ნორვეგია I.1.
35 Dundalk BC† Eliminated in round 2 of the National Cup.
Rank 11 in the playoff of league ნორვეგია I.1.
Rank 6 in conference B of league ნორვეგია I.1.
34 Dundalk BC† Rank 4 in the National Cup.
Rank 10 in the playoff of league ნორვეგია I.1.
Rank 6 in conference B of league ნორვეგია I.1.
33 Dundalk BC† Eliminated in round 1 of the National Cup.
Rank 6 in the playoff of league ნორვეგია I.1.
Rank 3 in conference A of league ნორვეგია I.1.
32 Dundalk BC† Eliminated in round 1 of the National Cup.
Rank 5 in the playoff of league ნორვეგია I.1.
Rank 4 in conference B of league ნორვეგია I.1.
31 Dundalk BC† Eliminated in the round of last 16 of the National Cup.
Rank 11 in the playoff of league ნორვეგია I.1.
Rank 6 in conference A of league ნორვეგია I.1.
30 Dundalk BC Eliminated in round 1 of the National Cup.
Rank 11 in the playoff of league III.6.
Rank 6 in conference A of league III.6.
29 maach united Eliminated in round 2 of the National Cup.
Rank 9 in the playoff of league III.6.
Rank 5 in conference A of league III.6.
28 Brisbane Roar Eliminated in round 2 of the National Cup.
Rank 9 in the playoff of league III.6.
Rank 7 in conference B of league III.6.
27 BOPOVIKY† Eliminated in round 2 of the National Cup.
Rank 13 in the playoff of league III.6.
Rank 6 in conference B of league III.6.
26 Warriors Hc† Rank 12 in the playoff of league III.6.
Rank 6 in conference B of league III.6.
25 Warriors Hc† Rank 11 in the playoff of league III.6.
Rank 5 in conference A of league III.6.
24 Warriors Hc Eliminated in round 2 of the National Cup.
Moved to league III.6 by the basketball association.
Rank 7 in the playoff of league III.2.
Rank 4 in conference B of league III.2.
23 Champs Eliminated in round 2 of the National Cup.
Rank 11 in the playoff of league III.2.
Rank 5 in conference A of league III.2.
22 The Meisters† Eliminated in round 1 of the National Cup.
Rank 6 in the playoff of league III.2.
Rank 4 in conference B of league III.2.
21 The Meisters Eliminated in round 2 of the National Cup.
Rank 12 in the playoff of league III.2.
Rank 7 in conference A of league III.2.
20 theaussiecnts Eliminated in round 1 of the National Cup.
Moved to league III.2 by the basketball association.
Rank 12 in the playoff of league IV.3.
Rank 5 in conference B of league IV.3.
19 Shalev BC Eliminated in round 1 of the National Cup.
Rank 15 in the playoff of league IV.3.
Rank 8 in conference B of league IV.3.
18 ameen wanees Rank 13 in the playoff of league IV.3.
Rank 7 in conference A of league IV.3.