სეზონი | თარიღი | ღონისძიება | 1 (5/70) | 2014-07-04 | Team was assigned to a manager - TheAnswer03 | 1 (15/70) | 2014-07-14 | Team folded - TheAnswer03 | 1 (39/70) | 2014-08-07 | Team was assigned to a manager - Nover5 | 1 (62/70) | 2014-08-30 | Team folded - Nover5 | 1 (65/70) | 2014-09-02 | Team was assigned to a manager - alex soz | 2 (17/70) | 2014-09-24 | Team folded - alex soz | 2 (18/70) | 2014-09-25 | Team was assigned to a manager - selman96 | 2 (42/70) | 2014-10-19 | Team folded - selman96 | 2 (57/70) | 2014-11-03 | Team was assigned to a manager - hüso1905 | 3 (10/70) | 2014-11-26 | Team folded - hüso1905 | 3 (13/70) | 2014-11-29 | Team was assigned to a manager - kaaan15 | 3 (35/70) | 2014-12-21 | Team folded - kaaan15 | 3 (38/70) | 2014-12-24 | Team was assigned to a manager - brnkfy1907 | 3 (60/70) | 2015-01-15 | Team folded - brnkfy1907 | 3 (61/70) | 2015-01-16 | Team was assigned to a manager - DoRuKsK | 4 (13/70) | 2015-02-07 | Team folded - DoRuKsK | 4 (14/70) | 2015-02-08 | Team was assigned to a manager - ozicrazy07 | 4 (36/70) | 2015-03-02 | Team folded - ozicrazy07 | 4 (40/70) | 2015-03-06 | Team was assigned to a manager - crawlemre | 4 (62/70) | 2015-03-28 | Team folded - crawlemre | 5 (19/70) | 2015-04-24 | Team was assigned to a manager - osmanbab | 5 (41/70) | 2015-05-16 | Team folded - osmanbab | 5 (42/70) | 2015-05-17 | Team was assigned to a manager - meankure55 | 5 (64/70) | 2015-06-08 | Team folded - meankure55 | 6 (6/70) | 2015-06-20 | Team was assigned to a manager - meric2003 | 6 (28/70) | 2015-07-12 | Team folded - meric2003 | 6 (30/70) | 2015-07-14 | Team was assigned to a manager - ardaaa12 | 6 (52/70) | 2015-08-05 | Team folded - ardaaa12 | 6 (58/70) | 2015-08-11 | Team was assigned to a manager - Champ010 | 7 (10/70) | 2015-09-02 | Team folded - Champ010 | 7 (10/70) | 2015-09-02 | Team was assigned to a manager - tmac0 | 7 (32/70) | 2015-09-24 | Team folded - tmac0 | 7 (32/70) | 2015-09-24 | Team was assigned to a manager - NLYMZ35 | 7 (65/70) | 2015-10-27 | Team folded - NLYMZ35 | 7 (70/70) | 2015-11-01 | Team was assigned to a manager - Boran Bal | 8 (22/70) | 2015-11-23 | Team folded - Boran Bal | 8 (22/70) | 2015-11-23 | Team was assigned to a manager - ıguodala1907 | 8 (44/70) | 2015-12-15 | Team folded - ıguodala1907 | 8 (52/70) | 2015-12-23 | Team was assigned to a manager - mahirlik | 9 (4/70) | 2016-01-14 | Team folded - mahirlik | 9 (5/70) | 2016-01-15 | Team was assigned to a manager - dehajr | 9 (27/70) | 2016-02-06 | Team folded - dehajr | 9 (32/70) | 2016-02-11 | Team was assigned to a manager - Coah Alqer | 9 (54/70) | 2016-03-04 | Team folded - Coah Alqer | 9 (54/70) | 2016-03-04 | Team was assigned to a manager - lebronjefferson | 10 (7/70) | 2016-03-27 | Team folded - lebronjefferson | 10 (38/70) | 2016-04-27 | Team was assigned to a manager - CaptainSouL | 10 (60/70) | 2016-05-19 | Team folded - CaptainSouL | 10 (61/70) | 2016-05-20 | Team was assigned to a manager - navimarkeloff1 | 11 (13/70) | 2016-06-11 | Team folded - navimarkeloff1 | 11 (22/70) | 2016-06-20 | Team was assigned to a manager - mirac basdas | 11 (44/70) | 2016-07-12 | Team folded - mirac basdas | 12 (11/70) | 2016-08-18 | Team was assigned to a manager - kerim1456 | 12 (33/70) | 2016-09-09 | Team folded - kerim1456 | 12 (39/70) | 2016-09-15 | Team was assigned to a manager - tarzanz | 13 (22/70) | 2016-11-07 | Team folded - tarzanz | 13 (41/70) | 2016-11-26 | Team was assigned to a manager - yalcinakin | 13 (63/70) | 2016-12-18 | Team folded - yalcinakin | 13 (67/70) | 2016-12-22 | Team was assigned to a manager - ChildWar | 14 (20/70) | 2017-01-14 | Team folded - ChildWar | 14 (28/70) | 2017-01-22 | Team was assigned to a manager - Berat Eker | 14 (50/70) | 2017-02-13 | Team folded - Berat Eker | 16 (33/70) | 2017-06-16 | Team was assigned to a manager - izgidanis | 16 (55/70) | 2017-07-08 | Team folded - izgidanis | 16 (56/70) | 2017-07-09 | Team was assigned to a manager - LakeDeathReal | 17 (8/70) | 2017-07-31 | Team folded - LakeDeathReal | 17 (12/70) | 2017-08-04 | Team was assigned to a manager - Gols | 17 (34/70) | 2017-08-26 | Team folded - Gols | 17 (45/70) | 2017-09-06 | Team was assigned to a manager - Ramazanö | 17 (68/70) | 2017-09-29 | Team folded - Ramazanö | 18 (5/70) | 2017-10-06 | Team was assigned to a manager - salvador1717 | 18 (28/70) | 2017-10-29 | Team folded - salvador1717 | 18 (49/70) | 2017-11-19 | Team was assigned to a manager - 13furkaan | 19 (1/70) | 2017-12-11 | Team folded - 13furkaan | 19 (1/70) | 2017-12-11 | Team was assigned to a manager - ilyasbelli20 | 19 (35/70) | 2018-01-14 | Team folded - ilyasbelli20 | 19 (45/70) | 2018-01-24 | Team was assigned to a manager - RenegadeRun | 19 (68/70) | 2018-02-16 | Team folded - RenegadeRun | 20 (40/70) | 2018-03-30 | Team was assigned to a manager - Yusuf Aygül | 20 (62/70) | 2018-04-21 | Team folded - Yusuf Aygül | 21 (2/70) | 2018-05-01 | Team was assigned to a manager - Batuhan Taşar | 21 (24/70) | 2018-05-23 | Team folded - Batuhan Taşar | 21 (34/70) | 2018-06-02 | Team was assigned to a manager - gutdemıt | 21 (56/70) | 2018-06-24 | Team folded - gutdemıt | 21 (65/70) | 2018-07-03 | Team was assigned to a manager - Abdulhalim Demir | 22 (17/70) | 2018-07-25 | Team folded - Abdulhalim Demir | 22 (19/70) | 2018-07-27 | Team was assigned to a manager - Mertbabey | 22 (41/70) | 2018-08-18 | Team folded - Mertbabey | 22 (69/70) | 2018-09-15 | Team was assigned to a manager - Brawler | 23 (21/70) | 2018-10-07 | Team folded - Brawler | 23 (33/70) | 2018-10-19 | Team was assigned to a manager - ciganobasgan | 23 (55/70) | 2018-11-10 | Team folded - ciganobasgan | 23 (59/70) | 2018-11-14 | Team was assigned to a manager - xyz777 | 24 (11/70) | 2018-12-06 | Team folded - xyz777 | 24 (48/70) | 2019-01-12 | Team was assigned to a manager - mefi02 | 25 (1/70) | 2019-02-04 | Team folded - mefi02 | 25 (3/70) | 2019-02-06 | Team was assigned to a manager - oguzhanorhan | 25 (25/70) | 2019-02-28 | Team folded - oguzhanorhan | 25 (30/70) | 2019-03-05 | Team was assigned to a manager - bubbachuck | 25 (52/70) | 2019-03-27 | Team folded - bubbachuck | 25 (67/70) | 2019-04-11 | Team was assigned to a manager - kslymn | 26 (19/70) | 2019-05-03 | Team folded - kslymn | 26 (19/70) | 2019-05-03 | Team was assigned to a manager - emirsabann | 26 (41/70) | 2019-05-25 | Team folded - emirsabann | 26 (45/70) | 2019-05-29 | Team was assigned to a manager - cihankabakci | 26 (68/70) | 2019-06-21 | Team folded - cihankabakci | 26 (68/70) | 2019-06-21 | Team was assigned to a manager - SKRILLEXXX123 | 27 (21/70) | 2019-07-14 | Team folded - SKRILLEXXX123 | 27 (25/70) | 2019-07-18 | Team was assigned to a manager - ironback | 27 (47/70) | 2019-08-09 | Team folded - ironback | 27 (52/70) | 2019-08-14 | Team was assigned to a manager - Faruk Bartu Özkan | 28 (4/70) | 2019-09-05 | Team folded - Faruk Bartu Özkan | 28 (11/70) | 2019-09-12 | Team was assigned to a manager - brylcn | 29 (18/70) | 2019-11-28 | Team folded - brylcn | 29 (18/70) | 2019-11-28 | Team folded - brylcn | 29 (18/70) | 2019-11-28 | Team was assigned to a manager - brylcn | 30 (25/70) | 2020-02-13 | Team folded - brylcn | 30 (31/70) | 2020-02-19 | Team was assigned to a manager - bobabi | 30 (59/70) | 2020-03-18 | Team folded - bobabi | 30 (60/70) | 2020-03-19 | Team was assigned to a manager - armanulusoy | 31 (12/70) | 2020-04-10 | Team folded - armanulusoy | 31 (19/70) | 2020-04-17 | Team was assigned to a manager - Eftal | 35 (51/70) | 2021-02-23 | Team folded - Eftal |
სეზონი | გუნდის სახელი | შედეგები |
35 | Esalaves |
Eliminated in the round of last 16 of the National Cup. |
Rank 8 in the playoff of league II.1. |
Rank 1 in conference B of league II.1. |
34 | Esalaves |
Eliminated in round 2 of the National Cup. |
Rank 9 in the playoff of league II.1. |
Rank 6 in conference B of league II.1. |
33 | Esalaves |
Eliminated in round 1 of the National Cup. |
Rank 12 in the playoff of league II.1. |
Rank 6 in conference B of league II.1. |
32 | Esalaves |
Eliminated in round 2 of the National Cup. |
Rank 9 in the playoff of league II.1. |
Rank 5 in conference A of league II.1. |
31 | Esalaves |
Eliminated in round 1 of the National Cup. |
Rank 6 in the playoff of league II.1. |
Rank 4 in conference B of league II.1. |
30 | I.R Immortals |
Eliminated in round 1 of the National Cup. |
Rank 8 in the playoff of league II.1. |
Rank 4 in conference A of league II.1. |
29 | Chicago Raptors |
Eliminated in round 2 of the National Cup. |
Rank 5 in the playoff of league II.1. |
Rank 4 in conference A of league II.1. |
28 | Chicago Raptors |
Eliminated in round 1 of the National Cup. |
Rank 5 in the playoff of league II.1. |
Rank 4 in conference B of league II.1. |
27 | Siamo i migliori |
Eliminated in round 1 of the National Cup. |
Rank 10 in the playoff of league II.1. |
Rank 5 in conference B of league II.1. |
26 | CİHAN |
Eliminated in round 1 of the National Cup. |
Rank 12 in the playoff of league II.1. |
Rank 8 in conference B of league II.1. |
25 | Rhinos |
Eliminated in round 2 of the National Cup. |
Moved to league II.1 by the basketball association. |
Rank 11 in the playoff of league III.1. |
Rank 6 in conference A of league III.1. |
24 | Young Spartans† |
Eliminated in round 1 of the National Cup. |
Rank 7 in the playoff of league III.1. |
Rank 4 in conference B of league III.1. |
23 | cigano |
Eliminated in round 1 of the National Cup. |
Rank 7 in the playoff of league III.1. |
Rank 4 in conference B of league III.1. |
22 | Babeyspor† |
Eliminated in round 2 of the National Cup. |
Rank 13 in the playoff of league III.1. |
Rank 5 in conference A of league III.1. |
21 | GutDemıtSpor |
Eliminated in round 3 of the National Cup. |
Moved to league III.1 by the basketball association. |
Rank 12 in the playoff of league III.5. |
Rank 7 in conference B of league III.5. |
20 | Malatya's SK |
Eliminated in round 1 of the National Cup. |
Rank 16 in the playoff of league III.5. |
Rank 7 in conference A of league III.5. |
19 | Pendik City Thunder |
Eliminated in round 2 of the National Cup. |
Rank 12 in the playoff of league III.5. |
Rank 7 in conference B of league III.5. |
18 | LosAngles Lakers† |
Eliminated in round 2 of the National Cup. |
Rank 11 in the playoff of league III.5. |
Rank 6 in conference B of league III.5. |
17 | Stoka fc |
Eliminated in round 2 of the National Cup. |
Rank 16 in the playoff of league III.5. |
Rank 8 in conference A of league III.5. |
16 | Bilkent University |
Rank 8 in the playoff of league III.5. |
Rank 3 in conference B of league III.5. |
15 | Bingöl Genç Spor† |
Eliminated in round 2 of the National Cup. |
Moved to league III.5 by the basketball association. |
Won in the relegation round of league II.3. |
Rank 13 in the playoff of league II.3. |
Rank 7 in conference B of league II.3. |
14 | Bingöl Genç Spor |
Eliminated in round 1 of the National Cup. |
Rank 12 in the playoff of league II.3. |
Rank 7 in conference B of league II.3. |
13 | LAGebze |
Eliminated in round 1 of the National Cup. |
Rank 12 in the playoff of league II.3. |
Rank 8 in conference B of league II.3. |
12 | Tilkikoyspor |
Moved to league II.3 by the basketball association. |
Rank 3 in the playoff of league III.6. |
Rank 4 in conference A of league III.6. |
11 | Fenerbahçe basketbol 20738 † |
Eliminated in round 2 of the National Cup. |
Moved to league III.6 by the basketball association. |
Rank 10 in the playoff of league III.3. |
Rank 7 in conference A of league III.3. |
10 | Diyarbakırspor |
Eliminated in round 1 of the National Cup. |
Rank 4 in the playoff of league III.3. |
Rank 4 in conference B of league III.3. |
9 | İzmir Basketball |
Eliminated in round 3 of the National Cup. |
Rank 10 in the playoff of league III.3. |
Rank 6 in conference B of league III.3. |
8 | Fenerbahçe BC† |
Eliminated in round 2 of the National Cup. |
Rank 5 in the playoff of league III.3. |
Rank 3 in conference A of league III.3. |
7 | DSİ Ankara Ormanspor |
Eliminated in round 1 of the National Cup. |
Moved to league III.3 by the basketball association. |
Rank 6 in the playoff of league III.7. |
Rank 3 in conference B of league III.7. |
6 | Fenebahçe Arena |
Moved to league III.7 by the basketball association. |
Rank 3 in the playoff of league IV.2. |
Rank 3 in conference A of league IV.2. |
5 | Meapout |
Rank 8 in the playoff of league IV.2. |
Rank 4 in conference B of league IV.2. |
4 | Fenerbahçe as. |
Eliminated in round 1 of the National Cup. |
Moved to league IV.2 by the basketball association. |
Rank 7 in the playoff of league III.4. |
Rank 4 in conference A of league III.4. |
3 | Cavaliers8 |
Eliminated in round 1 of the National Cup. |
Rank 12 in the playoff of league III.4. |
Rank 5 in conference B of league III.4. |
Eliminated in round 2 of the National Cup. |
Rank 14 in the playoff of league III.4. |
Rank 7 in conference A of league III.4. |
1 | Kars36 |
Promotion to league III.4. |
Rank 1 in the playoff of league IV.4. |
Rank 1 in conference B of league IV.4. |