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  Pressiteated: III.2 (USA)

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USA Lobos 28842 † - Lobos on their way to the top...

After just two seasons with the team, the GM of the Lobos, Dennis Pyle, has them hitting levels never before seen by staff, players, and fans alike. According to Pyle, it won't be long before they are a contender in the League 1 division. The team, lead by the likes of Glen Griffen, Bastian Bucher, and Brad Avery, are poised to take the trophy in League 3, Division 2 by the end of this season. Once that happens, the team will regroup and make preparations for the upcoming challenges coming with League 2. All fans can do is hope for the best and according to Pyle, the team is striving to be the best. Wishful thinking, but if he wants that to happen, he will need to keep the team working and hard and not skip a beat.

Unikaalne vaade: 4
Pressiteate reiting: Vaene - Tavaline - Suurepärane
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