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  Comunicados: I.1 (Reino Unido)

1 132 954 867
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Reino Unido Sentinels† - Season 10 - " No Cigars "

So - The tenth season of World-Pro-Basketball as now passed -
Where does the time go? And where are we now?

Those two questions may be difficult to answer - but one thing we know for sure is that a player basketball's career moves at some rate !

One moment they are 15yrs old and the stars trail from their boots under the admiring gaze of all - The next thing is that they get an Optimal bone fracture or similar and lose a quarter of the season and all of a sudden they are 'ordinary' - Even without injuries it would seem that players tend to migrate towards the ordinary rather than 'Push on' as it would have seemed -

Although - Father time does appear to have a sense of humour

Are we expecting too much from our young stars ? - I think so - Especially for me - Now I realise that a mixture of models - Whereas the team brings in exceptional older players on shorter contracts mixed in with a 'Slightly less focussed' Youth scheme is a good way to go -

It's a bit late for the Sentinel's in this respect as I have 'locked' into this set of players - Tbh - I'm too fond of them to mess them around too much - Maybe in a few seasons I'll look to chop it up a bit - For the moment the Sen's are solid- and were still progressing - So - It's cool :)

As Far as the league goes - Congratulations to the Dallas Mavericks - Again another superb season picking up both the major honours- I Thought they played really well against a very strong Cannon Fodder -

Jenny did really well with the U17's and was so close to getting the lad's through - She certainly deserves a lot of credit and another shot at it -

Well - That was Season Ten ! On we go - Let's pull forward together

Cya on court guys :)


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