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  Pressemitteilungen: IV.20 (USA)

17 335 893
Land: Liga:

USA St. Louis Archers† - Legends Ready for Playoff Match
The Winston-Salem Legends have a playoff match tomorrow. It is the first game of the round. The Legends are looking forward to starting off on the right foot as the game is at home in Winston-Salem. The fans are cheering them on, supporting the first game under a new manager.

USA Seattle Swindlers† - All City Stars - Manager Blakeb2511 Excited With Teams Performance
When Blakeb2511 became the All City Stars manager, no one was sure how he would do with the struggling 17-25 team. The first game against the * Winners That Can Lose It * was the first test of the manager. He passed the test with flying colors as the Stars slaughtered their opponent 121-58 giving Blakeb2511 his first career win as manager. " I feel like i have a great group of young guys who ...

USA Greenville Lions† - Manager Akteruzzaman apologizes for teams loosing streak
In a press conference he issued to the press this morning, Akteruzzaman apologized for his 1-3 start as GM for the Greenville Lions. "I want to issue an apology to the fans, for how the team has been playing recently. I lectured the players on what is expected from then from now on. They have all promised me to put their 100% on the court, as we make this push toward the playoffs." ...

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