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  Comunicados de prensa: I.1 (Reino Unido)

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Reino Unido Wrexham Rockets - Wrexham Mayor unveils Rockets carpark

The mayor of Wrexham fullfilled his civic duty today declaring the Rockets carpark now open.

wrexham.com had a chat with the Rockets boss asking if it was really necessary to have the Mayor open such a small carpark. Here's what he had to say:

"Listen, we have the smallest stadium in the city, the smallest facilities, the weakest squad and when the Thunders play in our stadium, the away changing room doesn't even seem to have hot water working, although it seems to work when other opponents come the arena. So yes, we have the biggest carpark in the city and want to promote it. 500 of our fans no longer have to walk to the CC Arena. That's 500 more than the poor Thunders fans."

That's all for now. wrexham.com look forward to their next press conference with the Rockets boss.

Visitas únicas: 3
Valoración de la nota de prensa: Malo - Normal - Excelente
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