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  PRO Zóna
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  Tlačové správy: III.9 (Čína)

1 141 739 531
Krajina: Liga:

Čína Heatles† - 禽兽们请轻虐

Čína Coolcats† - season as a summary
we are kinda disappointed with the outcome of this season. though we strongly we are in the right direction, firstly we came short to bring in the players we felt that could instantly make our team compete at a high level 2ndly, the training or player development for skills has not been on pace to what we are anticipated to be. we still have promising players 3rd we are excited that we...

Čína Coolcats† - 新开始
new coach , new direction ! with the much awaited coming of coachk in the team. team owner was so delighted that spoke winning games starts now it seems that the team will be relegated to division 4 and will start from there. questions swarmed up with bad comments such as why now? that almost ate up the excitement only to get pacified by the coach saying it was my choice, i didnt want t...

Čína thunder† - 欢迎打友谊赛(wanna to play friendly matches)

Táto funkcia je súčasťou balíka PRO!      

Možnosť zverejnovať tlačové správy

Ako majiteľ balíka PRO máš možnosť uverejňovať tlačové správy týkajúce sa diania v tvojom tíme. Máš tak priestor na zverejnenie ambícií tímu, môžeš zaujať stanoviská k odohratým zápasom alebo urobiť vyhlásenia pred dôležitými zápasmi. Tlačové správy tvojho tímu si môžu prečítať a ohodnotiť ostatní manažéri, prípadne môžu zareagovať vlastnou tlačovou správou.