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  新闻稿: I.1 (英国)

国家: 联赛:

英国 Sentinels† - Through the looking glass. A view of the new Sentinels.

Standing court-side watching the players in training I thought it would be nice to catch up with some of the guys and see what's going on here. So much has changed since the last press release.

Over in the corner of the dome I can see Noah and Neimar throwing some long balls into the Centres. Pity about Noah, he was placed on transfer at the weekend - and the reason.

'I think it's financial'

says the stony faced captain beside me. Hick's thick Glaswegian accent comes over almost 'Connery-esque'.

'Aye, Noah's been a bit short on his passes and it's caused a bit of concern. Maybe the reason is Gama, he's bloody accurate and after the Bull's game at the weekend I reckon that's pretty much sealed it for Noah. - good lad though, he'll do well wherever he goes.

Fairholme the tall Yorkshireman flys by on the wing.

'What is it with that guy? Is he a Power-forward or a Centre?'

'I don't think he knows himself' smiles Hicks -

'Some player though..'

'Yeah, Tom is first class. Were lucky to have him. I think we'd be in a whole lot of trouble if he wasn't here.

And young Sheldon? Why is he the 'Hurricane'? he's pretty short and ...well.. slow for a Centre.. I mean...

'Agreed, but he's very destructive. Think of him as a time-bomb.'

Hick's catches a pass from the laughing Andy Parker.

'Now, see that guy' - The Scotsman launches a missile at Parker who deftly catches it and drains the shot.

'He's got it - although, lazy as hell. Comes in on his scooter, late everyday. The boss just laughs and puts him out there in the friendlies and Andy hits thirty points game per game. He even says he can't shoot very well.'

- And what about you Frank? Weren't you the Shooting Guard?

'I was, for a time. Didn't work out. Can't shoot see. (Hence the nickname 'HookShot'). I've tried everything, hypnotherapy, laser eye treatment ... when I see the basket ... well...it just goes fuzzy.'

'Ahhh don't listen to Frank !'

The burly figure of Keene comes in. Build like a boxer. His thick Irish accent grabs instant attention.

'Franks got the shot, he just hasn't figured out where the basket is yet !'

Hicks swipes a quick Jab at Colin who ducks under and through to take a distant pass.

'Great lad that Keene. He's a real fighter, the club will never sell him'.

Hicks runs in to block a errant shot from the Slovenian Shooting Guard. Hick's hollows back. -

'He can't shoot either !'

So the new Sentinels on first glance seem to be a load of young lads who are mostly too short and apparently can't shoot very well.

The elegant figure of Zoltan Guth leans in to me.

'Oh, and mind the Ferrari on the way out. He's parked it across the gates again. That's Neimar and his new green Berlinetta.'

Well there you go. That's some of the seniors at practice. The A side will be in later.

阅读人数: 12
新闻稿发表排名: 粗糙 - 正常 - 优秀

