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  新聞稿: II.2 (英國)

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國家: 聯賽:

英國 cccccccccc† - What A Boost!
Our Python football team have gone two places above they were before they were eighth but now sixth we as a basketball team appreciate our fc And hope to be like them and reach first from second.

英國 Parkieciarze - Can We Do This?
Team Blasmarl win against Jarsh Jockies yesterday "I'm sure we can do this were only a few points away from first place". Jarsh Jockies have dreamteem in one hour and half they are sure they can win

英國 Aberdeen Oilers† - Prognosis
So this season I'm gona make it happen. Win the league. And with good luck hope to play in Cups final. Good luck to everybody,trying to beat me.

英國 Aberdeen Oilers† - Rebuild
Seeing my place in league and the way things are going,we are officially announcing the teams rebuild.



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