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  Пресс-релизы: III.1 (Остальной мир)

876 674 489
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Коста Рика Turrialba BC - .
gigihhgfuftutsjfsfosfieojgespgjepsjggmvsdslmgemgsmkefsjifsofj josfjosifjsofjeisj eifjjgisnuv su uesfinsosf shfosfhsgsjgss eugghssofhfso eufsfohhseofhsefsjsfdfoos osjfhseouhsfos uesfhsofhsfoshfs fgygsfusfhushfsfhs hs0 hs0fuf9sf9f9esfh9sfh

Черногория LIJEVA RIJEKA† - Huskies go with the conservative approach
The Hobart Huskies Manager has announced he will be playing the Huskies b team for the rest of the season, to conserve the A team for the relegation round. " we decided it was the best path to take for the team" the manager said in a statement

Австралия Mill Point Marauders† - All-Star Selections - What A Joke
The Marauders are the only undefeated team in the league and have been dominate through the first 19 games. Yet the team doesn't have a single All-Star selection so far this season. The selectors are kidding themselves. Despite the lack of recognition we look forward to tearing through the league all the way to the Championship!

Эта функция - часть PRO пакета!      

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