Cincinnati Falcons 35481 † - The Falcons Still Await Team
After the Golden Hawks beat the Utah Jazz, 94-77, the Cincinnati Falcon's opponent is still unknown.
"It just feels really weird. All I am hoping for is that the Cincinnati Falcons win the title," said a Cincinnati Falcons fan after the game had been concluded.
The series is all tied up, 2-2, after the Golden Hawks surge. The series will all come down to this game, at the Utah Jazz's arena, the Band class.
Tickets for the game between the Jazz and the Golden Hawks will be free to view at United Airlines Arena, and snacks are at a 50% discount.
"It just feels really weird. All I am hoping for is that the Cincinnati Falcons win the title," said a Cincinnati Falcons fan after the game had been concluded.
The series is all tied up, 2-2, after the Golden Hawks surge. The series will all come down to this game, at the Utah Jazz's arena, the Band class.
Tickets for the game between the Jazz and the Golden Hawks will be free to view at United Airlines Arena, and snacks are at a 50% discount.
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