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  Pranešimai spaudai: III.1 (JAV)

35 342 940
Šalis: Lyga:

JAV Detroit Demons† - Game Recap vs Kentucky Dragons

The Jaguars were at home facing the #1 seeded Dragons which is the Jaguars hardest competition yet. The game was competitive and one of the most entertaining games this year. the Jaguars managed to win 93-83. Jon Chatman played a big part by scoring 10 points in the fourth quarter and a three to seal the game. The Jaguars have won three straight league matches and are placed #3 in the division, so they are in place to potentially make the playoffs.

Peržiūrėta: 12
Pranešimo spaudai reitingas: Vargšas - Normalus - Puiku
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