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  Comunicati stampa: I.1 (Stati Uniti)

726 648 152
Nazione: Lega:

Questo comunicato stampa è una risposta al comunicato stampa della squadra Stati Uniti Oregon Eagles†: The draft really sucks.

Stati Uniti Oregon Eagles† - I been saying since it started up.

It isn't worth the time and effort. In 4 sports I haven't gotten even 1 decent player. I tried selling them and nobody even bid 10 grand minimum. Yet it appears that only US and Canada are the ones not getting talent. I for one am totally frustrated. On my hockey team, football team, and handball team, I do not have even 1 US starter. Despite moving to league 1 in football and the other teams being top league 2 teams. That is total BS. There is way to little talent the US teams get as compared to other countries.

Visitatori unici: 30
Voto del comunicato stampa: Misero - Normale - Eccellente
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