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  Comunicati stampa: III.1 (Stati Uniti)

425 699 010
Nazione: Lega:

Stati Uniti Detroit Demons† - Game Recap vs Kalamazoo Wings

Yesterday the Jaguars had a game at home and had a blowout win vs the Kalamazoo Wings 166 to 43. All five starters of the Jaguars were over 20, Jon Chatman with 22 points, 6 assists, 6 steals, Leonard Chesterfield with 28 points and 6 assists, Chad O'connor with 33 points, 5 assists, 7 steals, Adrian Patterson with 39 points, 10 assist, 3 steals, 7 rebounds while shooting 5/8 from three, and the player of the game Kaleb Simon with 38 points, 4 assists, 7 steals, 1 block, and 13 rebounds. Theys plays the Cows todays away.

Visitatori unici: 5
Voto del comunicato stampa: Misero - Normale - Eccellente
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