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  Comunicati stampa: I.1 (Regno Unito)

609 533 643
Nazione: Lega:

Regno Unito Wrexham Rockets - Average Italian set for Hall of Fame

Wrexham Rockets PF has just been interviewed by Wrexham.com after rumours were confirmed that he is being inducted to the Rockets Hall of Fame, joining the King, as only their second HoF player.

"I want to thank all of the fans, and coaching staff for believing in me over my time in Wrexham. I'm am really happy for this award."

"I also want to thank PeeF for being a great motivator, after he called me average Italian. I worked hard in training to show him just how good an average Italian can be."

Visitatori unici: 8
Voto del comunicato stampa: Misero - Normale - Eccellente
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