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  Comunicati stampa: III.2 (Stati Uniti)

1 949 643 944
Nazione: Lega:

Stati Uniti Tomahawk Jams† - Jams win III.2 League Final in Series win

Tomahawk Jams won their first-ever league title in a three-game series over Dumbledore's Army. Games 1 and 2, held at The Jammer, were a 120-103 and a 102-96 victory, respectively. Game 3, which shifted toward Dumbledore's Army's home arena, was won by the Jams, 100-76.

Playoffs MVP (for the Jams, at least) Georgi Dimitrov had this to say: "It was a great honor playing against Dumbledore's Army, and I wish them the best of luck in the promotion round. I'm just so happy to win!"

Reverist, team president, stressed much work needs to be done to prepare for next season's promotion to Division II. "If we're not careful, we'll be relegated right back here," he warned. On the flip side, he did mention he had a plan, so we'll have to wait and see what that is . . .

Visitatori unici: 5
Voto del comunicato stampa: Misero - Normale - Eccellente
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