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  Lehdistötiedotteet: I.1 (Iso-Britannia)

-10 170 963
Maa: Sarja:

Iso-Britannia Wrexham Rockets - Average Italian set for Hall of Fame
Wrexham Rockets PF has just been interviewed by after rumours were confirmed that he is being inducted to the Rockets Hall of Fame, joining the King, as only their second HoF player. "I want to thank all of the fans, and coaching staff for believing in me over my time in Wrexham. I'm am really happy for this award." "I also want to thank PeeF for being a great...

Iso-Britannia Wrexham Thunders - Season 45
After last game I can say that it was very busy season for Thunders. A lot new players and a lot of improvments. When I saw teams in conference at the start of the season I was trully scared that I can be 5th. Half way was a bit better so I knew I going to play in PO but I didn't expect I will finish on 3rd place after PO. From 7th place after regular season to 3rd in PO after a nightmare and...

Iso-Britannia Wrexham Thunders - UK U19 team
I'd like to send a big thanks to all owners of players from U19 team. You did a great job and 2 games to the end of Qualifiers I can proudly say, We are going on a World Cup this season :-) Great job and keep going. Thank you everyone.

Iso-Britannia Wrexham Thunders - Wrexham news
Hello everyone, main season is close to the end and everybody knows who will play in Play offs but we have found interesting player in Wrexham Thunders team. Ryan Hughes, 15 years old from the last draft. In the first moment nothing special but... from the voices we have heard he could be a far family member of the Wrexham Rockets chairman. When we have tried to contact with him to talk ab...

Iso-Britannia Wrexham Rockets - Wrexham Mayor unveils Rockets carpark
The mayor of Wrexham fullfilled his civic duty today declaring the Rockets carpark now open. had a chat with the Rockets boss asking if it was really necessary to have the Mayor open such a small carpark. Here's what he had to say: "Listen, we have the smallest stadium in the city, the smallest facilities, the weakest squad and when the Thunders play in our stadium, the...

Iso-Britannia Wrexham Thunders - BREAKING NEWS
Welcome to press conference after Wrexham derby game. PeeF finally decided to talk with us. Press: Hello Mr. PeeF, how do you feel after today's derby game? PeeF: Hi everyone, I am happy because we won but for us it wasn't a special game, just another regular season game. Press: Did you feel anger after 2 away games against Rockets? Your team has lost both of them. PeeF: This...

Iso-Britannia Wrexham Rockets - interview Rockets latest signing
Armando Pradi, the Italian forward & latest signing for the Rockets has told he can't wait to score points against the Thunders. When asked if he was approached by Peef, he responded 'No. He probably doesn't think I am good enough for his team. But even if he did, I wouldn't join them. There was only ever going to be one team in Wrexham I would join, and I ca...

Iso-Britannia Wrexham Rockets - Wrexham is buzzing ahead of tonights derby
Hopefully the home fans can motivate the Rockets to another win over their rivals from accross the city.

Iso-Britannia Islington Bulls† - A great way to bow out
Well Guys it has been one hell of a season, congratulations to Manchester raptors for coming second and pushing my boys all the way, one point decided the championship in the end, which was intense but exciting at the same time, unfortunately this will be my last title for a while, it is time for me to build my stadium and facilities so I can come back and really compete for the title. Good luck t...

Iso-Britannia Sentinels† - Merry Christmas Everyone!
Well it's been a while eh. Still here still playing, hope you all have a wonderful Christmas! All the very best, Nige and the Sentinels!

Iso-Britannia Cannon Fodder† - Congrats to Sentinels and Seagulls...
...on their thrilling Playoff Final! Both teams, managed by Beddington Park and Fluff79 respectively, put on a great show in the final, needing the full 5 matches to decide the winners. No team won a match away from home, so it was Sentinels that took home the big prize. Not quite how I wanted/expected my post-season to go after topping the regular season standings, but it shows just how str...

Iso-Britannia Sentinels† - Season 11 - " Farewell to the Hurricane "
As Spock say's, 'The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few'. With this principle in mind and although with a heavy heart the Sentinels have released Alex 'Hurricane' Sheldon. It's never easy letting go of a favourite player. Not for me anyway. I do tend to hang on to these guys maybe a bit too long. But as time goes on it has become a little eas...

Iso-Britannia Sentinels† - Season 10 - " No Cigars "
So - The tenth season of World-Pro-Basketball as now passed - Where does the time go? And where are we now? Those two questions may be difficult to answer - but one thing we know for sure is that a player basketball's career moves at some rate ! One moment they are 15yrs old and the stars trail from their boots under the admiring gaze of all - The next thing is that they get an Opti...

Iso-Britannia Sentinels† - The Curtains draw on Season 9
Catching up with Liam Barmby, the head coach here I asked him, 'So, how's things Liam? How do you feel the season went? Liam was an ex player back in the old UK A league, he was somewhere between makeweight and an impacting smallforward. His career drizzled out sometime after the time that he had come under attack one afternoon from a swerving, unbalanced Rottweiller dog. It had...

Iso-Britannia Sentinels† - Through the looking glass. A view of the new Sentinels.
Standing court-side watching the players in training I thought it would be nice to catch up with some of the guys and see what's going on here. So much has changed since the last press release. Over in the corner of the dome I can see Noah and Neimar throwing some long balls into the Centres. Pity about Noah, he was placed on transfer at the weekend - and the reason. 'I thin...

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