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  Lehdistötiedotteet: III.6 (Muu maailma)

576 102 606
Maa: Sarja:

Tanska Ekvilibristerne - Ekvilibristerne going international.
Since the merging of Denmark, into “Other world”, Ekvilibristerne has decided to change their press conference from Danish to English - this in hope of people around the club understands what’s going on in the club. Ekvilibristerne had hired the famous and reputable journalist Slavensko Tupidio - in the future referred to as Mr. S. Tupidio - to handle the communication. Thus Mr. S. Tupidio held ...

Kazakstan Pavlodar Workers† - The second chance!
In last year we were close to win, but the fish slipped out at the last moment. Now we have new players, new power, new energy! Now in our hearts there is a feeling that this year we will raise the Cup over the head!

Kazakstan Pavlodar Workers† - New challenge!
Pavlodar Workers will try to win Worldwide League III 6 in season 5!

Kazakstan Pavlodar Workers† - Pavlodar Workers the youngest team!
The mean age in the team is just 16.4 years!

Tämä ominaisuus on osa PRO-pakettia!      

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