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  Nota de Imprensa: IV.17 (Estados Unidos)

1 917 208 943
País: Liga:

Estados Unidos Smells Like Nirvana† - Going Without A Logo

The team Smells Like Nirvana is very disappointed to announce that they will not have a logo for the upcoming basketball season.
They are avoiding the league required rule that a team must pay an artist for a design in order to get a custom logo.
"If we have to pay for a logo, then we just won't have one."
The owner announced late last night.
Adding to his frustration is that last year the owner's hockey team was denied a logo he came up with.
"What? Was the league really insulted that much by a naked baby?"
The owner's hockey team only played a few games with the controversial logo that was inspired by the Nevermind album cover.
The league deemed the image of a naked baby "inappropriate"
And pulled it down soon after.
"I guess I won't be allowed to have an image of The David as a logo anytime soon either."
The owner has since sold the hockey team.

Vistas únicas: 11
Avaliação da nota de imprensa: Fraco - Normal - Excelente
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