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  Comunicati stampa: I.1 (Regno Unito)

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Regno Unito Sentinels† - So What's the Story ? - Silver Sentinels - A GM's Perspective

The Silver Sentinels

Hi to everyone ! I thought I would put up the Sentinel's first press statement after a few seasons and write this from my own viewpoint. With my other team I write 'snapshots' of life in and around the team. From the player's view and the press and anyone I can drag into the press-van !!

Ok, so The Silver Sentinels. I am a huge Avenger's Fan and I kind of got inspiration for the logo and the team from there. (All very British) I'm going to change the uniforms slightly soon and the Pennant. Not quite at peace with the designs.

On the First day. I did I imagine what most guys did. I scanned briefly through the manual. Chopped through the tutorial and set about studying my players. Now, my recruits were shall we were not very good in the main. I had at most six guys that I could really concentrate on and all were incredibly short.

I set about sacking and selling the other 14? and sat there looking at the six. Three of which I'm pleased to say are still in my starting 5. I waited for the ten day trade embargo to go through and basically bought in what I could in the early market scramble.

My tactics then was to build a group of ten guys with back up that were all quick and I went for motion and inside shooting. I made some nice rotations here and there and eventually got the team into a rhythm of playing. The first season I was very pleased with. The Third place cup was a real prize as I was so lowly rated. What I did notice in those early days was that guys were running their players at 40 mins per. and eventually even though my guys weren't as good our energy got us there.

Seasons 2 and 3 were almost identical. Both promotion seasons with one or two other tough competitors. It's my opinion that you don't need the best players in the league but you do need a solid squad. Good time management and checking your match-ups against your opponents players. (Normally height) will get you more wins than playing your best 5 / 10 guys continuously in the same positions.

Another piece of advice is don't train your guys in one or two key attributes. - Really and truly, Balance is key. The team is greater than the sum of it's parts. As with handball I believe that there may not be a perfect ratio per player position but rather a ratio that spans a range of numbers that you need to be in. Also certain players will 'spark' under certain conditions and will be more involved if you get these ranges right. - Of course they are changing and morphing all the time - but It's finding these niches in the player builds that appeals so much to me.

Like I say these are some of my thoughts on the Basketball/PPM side of things. I'm looking forward to the challenges ahead in League 1 and lets all make season 4 a classic !

KInd Regards,

Nigel :)

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