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  Ogłoszenia prasowe: I.1 (Inny Kraj)

860 023 481
Kraj: Liga:

Dania Ekvilibristerne - Champions!

After 54 matches Ekvilibristerne stands as Basketball Champions of “Other World” season 40! It’s been a long journey underway, but efforts now payoff with the trophy secured for the first time - and in one of the best leagues in the world as well.

The club celebrated the victory by throwing a great party in the club house which, however, ended quite early as the payers went home before 9 p.m. - clearly not use to alcohol and late bedtimes!!! Therefore, the board decided, right away, that more victories should come in the future - in that way the player would, in time, be able to drink more beers, stay up later than 9 p.m. and finally see Club President Amby’s famous moonwalking/the worm dance at midnight! The suggestion was immediately adopted - and on the basis of this, the club is looking very much forward to the forthcoming season - now as defending Champions!

Wyświetleń: 16
Ocena ogłoszenia prasowego: Kiepski - Normalny - Doskonały
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