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  Прес-релізи: III.9 (Китай)

1 070 761 663
Країна: Ліга:

Китай Coolcats† - 新开始

new coach , new direction !

with the much awaited coming of coachk in the team. team owner was so delighted that spoke winning games starts now

it seems that the team will be relegated to division 4 and will start from there.

questions swarmed up with bad comments such as why now? that almost ate up the excitement only to get pacified by the coach saying it was my choice, i didnt want to start from somewhere in the middle, i want to have training camp, time to get t know the players.

because of this the owner itself said he will do his best in developing also the whole team not just its players as investments will be hard but will find someway of moving forward.

we are first looking at the players we have and see who we can develop. then the draft and new players if all said is done then we will go to the market for FA

its a long way to go !

Унікальних переглядів: 7
Рейтинг прес-релізів: Не дуже - Нормальний - Відмінно
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