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  新聞稿: III.6 (其他地區)

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丹麥 Ekvilibristerne - Ekvilibristerne going international.

Since the merging of Denmark, into “Other world”, Ekvilibristerne has decided to change their press conference from Danish to English - this in hope of people around the club understands what’s going on in the club.
Ekvilibristerne had hired the famous and reputable journalist Slavensko Tupidio - in the future referred to as Mr. S. Tupidio - to handle the communication. Thus Mr. S. Tupidio held his first press conference after today’s match, in which Ekvilibristerne secured a crucial victory and as a result of that now finds itself in the final against the rivals from Ifö.

“Ehmm - yes. Welcome, yes. Ehm - we win today. Very good, jahh. Also… very hard game. Me very nervous most of time, yes. Looking forward to drink some beer now - I mean water now! Yes - water - very good. Healthy also, yes. Players and manager very pleased - also need beer now - no, I mean water now, ha ha. Me joking - you like, ha ha…. Ha ha”.
Mr. S. Tupidio took a zip of his Coca Cola, looking very sweaty, and then left the room - leaving the audience somewhat surprised and confused…

閱讀人數: 8
新聞稿發表排名: 粗糙 - 正常 - 優秀


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