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  Pressmeddelanden: IV.20 (USA)

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USA Seattle Swindlers† - All City Stars - Manager Blakeb2511 Excited With Teams Performance

When Blakeb2511 became the All City Stars manager, no one was sure how he would do with the struggling 17-25 team. The first game against the * Winners That Can Lose It * was the first test of the manager. He passed the test with flying colors as the Stars slaughtered their opponent 121-58 giving Blakeb2511 his first career win as manager. " I feel like i have a great group of young guys who are not sure what they are capable of and just need a little push to reach their potential. I am happy to get the first win over with but a lot of work still needs to be done for this team to really excel and make a late season playoff push. Tonights game will include the same lineup." For more news check in on - All City Stars Press

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