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  Саопштења за јавност: III.8 (САД)

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САД Smells Like Nirvana† - When Will We Get Cheerleaders?

The fans of Smells Like Nirvana are excited for the upcoming season with such upgrades as the larger venue, a new squad, and new manager.
The new venue seats over 800 fans instead of last years 400 max.
And you all thought the new general manager would take all the money for himself.
Silly fools.
He only takes half the money.
Also are there even 400 fans of Smells Like Nirvana?
Sure Smells like Teen Spirit has a large fan base.
But Smells Like Nirvana?
I don't know.
I think this stadium upgrade may leave a lot of empty seats.
One the team are a bunch of guys who you probably never heard of.
"Seriously?" George, a basketball fan had to say when given the roster. "This is like a bunch of names I'd find on a computer generated team."
Oh no they're on to us.
When asked of the improved stadium George had a well though out answer, "Sure the new stadium is nice, but does the team have cheerleaders?"
Clearly the team's fans are focused on winning this year.
Someone should tell him about the computer generated cheerleaders.

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