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  Comunicate de presă: III.3 (Altă ţară)

37 595 350
Ţara: Liga:

Irlanda BC Waterville - Pi....ed off !!

Congrats for taking win, Podgorica !!
Yesterday's game with Podgorica made me pissed off and not because i lost this game but how this game was set-upped. When your opponent's high OR players drops off with fouls and replaced by players with lower OR's and game continuous under same equal speed and quality, makes me suspicious about some "bug" persistent in a game code. One more unpleasant moment from previous season where my team realized some 23 shots and missed 23 shots for 3 points. Game before had some ... 7 three points in basket and game after had also some 5 -7 three points basketed.
Just for information to you guys when such kind of crap happens and you do follow games on live screen and feels like something is not correct.
Good luck to everybody.

Vizionări unice: 9
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