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Tomahawk Jams†:
Tomahawk Jams Win First Round of National Cup
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Tomahawk Jams† - Regular Season Showdown Between Top 2 Teams
The game will be held in Dumbledore's home arena, the Room of Requirement, and I wouldn't be shocked to see a capacity crowd show up at 5:30pm Eastern time.
The Army's run-and-gun style is an interesting change of pace from the play of Tomahawk Jams. Here's the projected starting lineups:
PG- Tomáš Jiránek (Army) Bao Jing (Jams)
SG - Albert Noguera (Army) Kaygun Tunç (Jams)
SF - Mark Bruno (Army) Georgi Dimitrov (Jams)
PF - Luděk Marek (Army) Reuben Tackett (Jams)
C - Aavo Ilves (Army) Jacob Margerison (Jams)
The pure scoring power of Noguera and Tunç will be downright entertaining to watch. However, anyone expecting a total score in the 200s should probably think again. These teams can play some defense, too. I wouldn't expect anything higher than the 160s here.
What is at stake for this game? On the one hand, not much. If the Jams lose, they'll remain first in the league standings, and they won't play the Army again unless they meet in the playoffs. If the Jams win, they'll be in the exact same situation. On the other hand, there's a certain psychology at play here: if the Jams lose, it proves they can be beaten--by Dumbledore's Army, or by another team. It would also raise questions, namely: how would the Jams react to a loss?
One way or another, we'll find out how this sure-to-be-great clash of two solid teams turns out tomorrow night, so be sure to tune in on PPM TV!
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