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  بيانات صحفية: III.7 (دول أخرى)

الدولة: الدوري:

إسرائيل Verdonia Gladiators† - The Gladiators are aiming high next season.
Verdonia Gladiators is happy to introduce its new general manager, Niv Hajaj. The preparations are already being made for the upcoming season, and soon the manager and the scouts will sign brand new players to strengthen the rooster. The new manager said: "We have a tough season ahead of us, and we're going to do our best, to get to the playoffs. then, the sky is the limit."

الصين تايبي Boston Celtics 24103 † - Cannons shoot and win
I am very impressesd with the Cannons in their game against Bulldog Academy. They persevered and it was good that they learnt from last night's defeat against the teacher. Bulldog Academy is one of the best teams in the league. Beating them was an achievement. Congratulations to Jay Dixon and Ted Lightfoot for being the stars of the match and congratulations for fighting!

الصين تايبي Boston Celtics 24103 † - Well done, boys!
I am very impresses with my team's performance in today's game! They should keep it up for the rest of the season!

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خيار إصدار بيانات صحفية

كمالك البرو باك, لذيك الخير لأصدار بيان الصحافة عن الأحداث في فريقك. هذا هو مكانك لنشر طموحات الفريق ، للتعليق على مباراة الليلة الماضية ، أو الإدلاء ببيان قبل مباراة مهمة. ويمكن النظر إلى البيانات الصحفية والتقييم من قبل المستخدمين الآخرين ، الذين لديهم أيضا خيار للرد مع بيان صحفى خاصة بهم.