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  Comunicati stampa: I.1 (Resto del Mondo)

1 132 954 867
Nazione: Lega:

Filippine Spratly Islands BC† - Rats Win!

For a while we never thought it would happen, but the Bohol Rat Pack won their first game of the season with a home victory over Laser.

No doubt, its been a struggle for the Pack the last 2 seasons. However, the club has done what it had planned, transforming itself from a club of old journeyman with no long term term future, to a young exciting franchise with explosive upside potential. Most clubs do this over 5 or 6 seasons. We did it in 2 and of course paid the consequences on the court.

Next season will no doubt see us do a short relegation period to the 2nd division. This is not going to be long. The Rats will be a decidedly different club next season as their 2 year training camp is over. The nightmare days of 30 game losing streaks will be gone forever and the tradition of the winning Bohol franchise, will storm ahead with fury.

Visitatori unici: 30
Voto del comunicato stampa: Misero - Normale - Eccellente
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