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  Notas de imprensa: I.1 (Reino Unido)

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Esta nota de imprensa é uma resposta a nota de imprensa do time Reino Unido Wrexham Thunders: UK U19 team

Reino Unido Wrexham Thunders - Season 45

After last game I can say that it was very busy season for Thunders. A lot new players and a lot of improvments. When I saw teams in conference at the start of the season I was trully scared that I can be 5th. Half way was a bit better so I knew I going to play in PO but I didn't expect I will finish on 3rd place after PO. From 7th place after regular season to 3rd in PO after a nightmare and very excited last 5 games against BC Handcross. Really great games @grepik. Every time I can beat BC Handcross, Galileo or Atlantic Krakens I am very happy and want to be someday on your level guys. Thanks to you I have a big motivation :-)

Meanwhile our U19 team was played another great qualifications to WC. Everybody knows that with Overall 60 we will not win even one game on WC. Anyway as you seen in last friendlies I have put more 18yo to the team to get more chemistry and exp for a next season.

At the end big congrats for my friend Jasofacton to be the best British manager in our league. Try more and maybe someday you gonna beat Eastern Europe :-)

Week of relax and good luck in next season for all of you guys. Lets make it as excited as this one.

Thank you

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