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  Preses relīzes: I.1 (Lielbritānija)

855 062 619
Valsts: Līga:

Lielbritānija Wrexham Thunders - BREAKING NEWS

Welcome to press conference after Wrexham derby game. PeeF finally decided to talk with us.

Press: Hello Mr. PeeF, how do you feel after today's derby game?

PeeF: Hi everyone, I am happy because we won but for us it wasn't a special game, just another regular season game.

Press: Did you feel anger after 2 away games against Rockets? Your team has lost both of them.

PeeF: This is sport. You can't win all the time. These 2 lost games means nothing. We are still higher then them in a league and believe me even very self confident Pradi new player of Rockets will not change it. I wish that average player all the best (smile)

Press: Thank you for this small talk with us and I hope we gonna talk more often in a future. Bye

PeeF: I can't promise at the moment because the whole team is focused on long term plan and we don't need to proof anythink. See you next time and all the best for our local 'rival' (smile).

Lasījumu skaits: 4
Izdevuma reitings: Vāji - Normāli - Lieliski
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