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  Comunicate de presă: I.1 (Marea Britanie)

847 745 020
Ţara: Liga:

Marea Britanie Wrexham Rockets - Wrexham.com interview Rockets latest signing

Armando Pradi, the Italian forward & latest signing for the Rockets has told Wrexham.com he can't wait to score points against the Thunders.

When asked if he was approached by Peef, he responded 'No. He probably doesn't think I am good enough for his team. But even if he did, I wouldn't join them. There was only ever going to be one team in Wrexham I would join, and I can't wait to score against the Thunders'

'The Rockets need all the fire power we can get as we are in a run of 5 tough matches and we don't expect to win any of them, but wednesday we travel to the International Storm Arena and I will try to be a thorn in the side of our oppenents that night.'

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