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  Izjava za štampu: I.1 (Ostatak svijeta)

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Filipini Spratly Islands BC† - Training Camp

The Bohol Raiders manager David Cox announced today that the club will immediately begin an extended 3 month training session focusing exclusively on its high level youth program.

"We have learned through our sister club the Bohol Raiders if you want to build a club which will eventually compete with the best in the world you have to start from the ground up. There is not enough resources in playing time and in training camp to do a proper job at both the junior and senior level."

"We are totally unapologetic on our approach. We know we tried something similar a few seasons ago, but it was premature. Even so, that was a partial success as we now have 100's of millions in valuable assets we can utilize to enhance the current project."

"Next, we want to say we admire all the top teams that tough it out here in Division 1. However to stay on top here will require all resources going to the senior team. The league is just too competitive to move any other way. Theres little chance here to properly develop and play the juniors. The run for the Champions League trophy under these circumstances will be very difficult indeed."

"Finally,its the ultimate goal of Bohol to make a Champions league powerhouse similar to its sister soccer team, even if it takes 10 seasons. For us a Champions League trophy is worth a hundred regional title crowns. We want to be on the top of the world some day. Were not settling for anything less."

Jedinstveni pregledi: 26
Rejting izjave štampe: Loše - Normalno - Odlično
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